HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
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TAPR TNC 2 Software Release Notes . . . . . . . . . Release 1.1.1
1) The correct sign-on message for this release of TNC 2 soft-
ware is:
Tucson Amateur Packet Radio TNC 2
AX.25 Level 2 Version 2.0
Release 1.1.1 - 16K RAM
Checksum $7F
NOTE: The "|A" may display as a vertical-bar and any capital
letter from "A" through "J".
2) New messages not documented in the System Manual are:
?not while disconnected
You attempted to perform an operation that can only be done
while connected. This message may appear when issuing a
?already connected to that station
The multi-connect software will not permit you to connect to
the same station using multiple streams.
3) New commands have been added since the System Manual went to
press. These commands are listed on the following pages.
4) A brief description of multi-connect operation is presented
at the end of this addendum entitled "Multi-Connect Survival
Copyright (c) 1985
All rights reserved.
Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond
that permitted by Sections 107A or 108 of the 1976 United
States Copyright Act (or its legal successor) without the
express permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Re-
quests for permission to copy or for further information
should be addressed to:
Tucson Amateur Packet Radio
PO Box 22888
Tucson AZ 85734-2888
There are a few operational changes from release 1.1.0 that
should be noted:
1) All connect requests from stations with totally blank call-
signs are rejected with a busy response.
2) The *** DISCONNECT prompt is DAYTIME stamped according to
the CONSTAMP setting.
3) TNC 1-like transparent mode is supported only when one
connection is established and USERS is set to 1.
4) The CON and STA LEDs (and RS232 DCD line if JMP1 not placed)
now apply to the currently selected input stream.
5) "%" and "&" may now be used to clear the LCALLS list.
6) Hardware flow control is now always available.
7) A bug in the operation of 8BITCONV has been fixed. This
command used to take effect in COMMAND mode with unhappy
There are also some questions that cropped up often with Release
1) You cannot connect to yourself and see your CTEXT. CMSG
only takes effect if you are connected to by another TNC.
2) CALSET was erroneously documented as having a default value.
It is correctly documented in the System Manual after the
first printing.
An error in the System Manual documentation for the MHEARD com-
mand slipped past us during this edit. Please change Chapter 6,
page 37, third sentence from
"Stations that are heard digipeating are marked with a * in
the heard log."
"Stations that are heard through digipeaters are marked with
a * in the heard log."
CLKADJ n Default: 0
n 0 - 65535, specifying the correction factor to be
applied to the real-time clock routine.
A value of "0" is a special case and means no correction factor
will be applied. If the value of CLKADJ is non-zero, then the
correction factor is calculated as:
relative clock speed in % = 100 - ( 9.16667 * ----- )
The real-time clock routine is used to keep track of year, month,
day, hour, minute and second as specified in the DAYTIME command.
It should be noted that the real-time clock is not intended to be
your ham-shack reference clock, but is useful for approximate
time stamping information.
ON The current connection on the current stream will
not be allowed to enter the disconnected state.
OFF The current stream may be connected to and discon-
nected from other stations.
This command, when switched ON, forces the TNC to always maintain
the current connection, even when frames to the other station
exceed RETRY attempts to get an acknowledgment. RESTART and
power off/on cycling will not affect this connected state.
This command only takes effect when a connection is established.
It functions on a stream-by-stream basis when multiple connec-
tions are allowed.
It is useful for certain networking applications, meteor scatter
and other noisy, less-reliable links, while still allowing con-
nections on other streams to operate normally (automatic discon-
nect based on RETRY, etc.).
CSTATUS is an immediate command which shows the stream identifier
and link state of all ten streams (links), the current input and
output streams, and whether or not each stream is "permanent"
(see CONPERM).
An example fo a display resulting from issuing a CSTATUS command
A stream - IO Link state is: CONNECTED to 305MLB
B stream - Link state is: CONNECTED to AD7I P
C stream - Link state is: DISCONNECTED
D stream - Link state is: CONNECTED to N0ADI via K9NG-2
I stream - Link state is: CONNECT in progress
J stream - Link state is: CONNECTED to KV7B via NK6K-1
The example above shows the A stream is assigned both the input
and output streams. The B stream is connected to AD7I "perma-
nently." All other streams' states are shown as they might
normally appear with multiple connections.
MYALIAS call[-n] Default: <blank>
call Alternate identity of your TNC.
n 0 - 15, an optionally specified sub-station ID
This command specifies an alternate callsign (in addition to the
callsign specified in MYCALL) for use as a digipeater only.
In some areas, wide coverage digipeaters operators have changed
the callsign of their machine to a shorter and (usually) easier
to remember identifier. International Civil Aviation Organiza-
tion (ICAO) airport identifiers, sometimes combined with tele-
phone area codes, have been used.
Use of this command permits HID to identify normally with the
MYCALL-specified callsign yet permit an alternate (alias) repeat-
only "callsign."
RECONNECT call1 [VIA call2[,call3...,call9]]
call1 Callsign of TNC to be reconnected to.
call2 Optional callsign(s) of TNC(s) tobe digipeated
through. As many as eight digipeat addresses can
be specified.
RECONNECT is an immediate command. It may be used to change the
path through which you are currently connected to a station. It
may only be used when your TNC is connected on the current stream
to the station you wish to RECONNECT to.
Integrity of frames in flight between your station and the
RECONNECTed station at the time of RECONNECT is not assured.
For details regarding the parameter list, see the CONNECT command
inthe System Manual.
RESTART is an immediate command. It re-initializes the TNC using
the defaults stored in bbRAM. The effect of this command is the
same as turing the TNC OFF then ON again.
RESTART does not cause a reset of the parameters in bbRAM. See
also the RESET command.
ON Callsign of other station displayed.
OFF Callsign of other station not displayed.
This command is used to enable the display of the connected-to
station after the stream identifier. This is particularly useful
when operating with multiple connections allowed. It is somewhat
analogous to the use of MRPT to show digipeat paths when mon-
In the example below, the charaters inserted by enabling STREAM-
CAll are shown in bold face type.
|A:K4NTA:hi howie
hello ted how goes it?
|Bmust be a dx record. ge lyle
|Aunreal ted! fl-az no digis!
|B:WA7GXD:big band opening...ge
The same sequence with STREAMCAll OFF would look like the fol-
|Ahi howie
hello ted how goes it?
|Bmust be a dx record. ge lyle
|Aunreal ted! fl-az no digis!
|Bbig band opening...ge
Thus, what would have looked like "|B" now appears as
"|B:<callsign>:". This option is very useful for human operators
trying to operate multiple simultaneous connections. It is pro-
bably less useful for "host" operations.
Note that, in the first example, the STREAMSWitch characters "|A"
and "|B" with no ":" after them were entered by the operator of
the TNC to switch streams for his multiple-connect QSO(s). If
you intend to operate multiple connections (as opposed to having
your "host" computer operate multiple connections), use of this
option is recommended.
ON Double all received STREAMSWitch characters.
OFF Do not "double" received STREAMSWitch characters.
This command is used to display received STREAMSWitch characters
by "doubling" them. The example below illustrates this action.
With STREAMDBL on, and STREAMSWitch set to "|", the following
might be displayed from your TNC:
|| this is a test.
In this case the sending station actually transmitted
| this is a test.
The same frame received with STREAMDBL OFF would be displayed as:
| this is a test.
When operating with multiple connections, this is useful for
differentiating between STREAMSWitch characters received from
other stations and STREAMSWitch characters internally generated
by your TNC.
NOTE: The STREAMSWitch character must NOT be one of the
stream letters (A - J) for this command to function
STREAMSW n Default: $7C < | >
n 0 - $FF, usually specifying an ASCII character
This command selects the character used by both the TNC and the
user that a new "stream" (connection channel) is being addressed.
The character can be PASSed in CONVERS mode. It is always ig-
nored as a user-initiated stream switch in TRANSPARENT mode, and
flows through as data. This means that the outgoing stream can
not be changed while "on line" in TRANSPARENT mode (you must
escape to COMMAND mode to switch streams).
For further usage of this character, see teh STREAMDBL and
STREAMCA commands.
TRIES n Default: NONE
n 0 -15, specifying the current RETRY level on the
currently selected input stream.
This command is used to retrieve (or force) the count of "tries"
on the currently selected input stream.
When used with no argument: if the TNC has an outstanding unack-
nowledged frame, it will return the current number of tries; if
the TNC has no outstanding unacknowledged frames, it will return
the number of tries required to obtain an acknowledgment for the
previous frame.
If RETRY is set to 0, the value returned by issuing a TRIES
command will always be 0.
This command is useful for obtaining statistics on the perfor-
mance of a given path or channel. It should be especially useful
for automatic optimizing os such parameters as PACLEN and MAX-
FRAME by computer-operated stations, such as automatic message
forwarding stations using less-than-optimum paths (noisy HF or
satellite channels, for example).
When used with an argument, TRIES will force the "tries" counter
to the entered value. Use of this command to force a new count
of tries is NOT recommended.
USERS n Default: 1
n 0 - 10, specifying the number of active connec-
tions that may be established to this TNC by other
USERS affects only the manner in which incoming connect requests
are handled, and has no effect on the number or handling of
connections you may initiate with this TNC.
For example,
USERS 0 allows incoming connections on any free stream
USERS 1 allows incoming connections on stream A only
USERS 2 allows incoming connections on streams A & B
USERS 3 allows incoming connections on streams A, B & C
and so on through USERS 10.
Multi-Connect Survival Guide
This section is a very brief tutorial on the use of the multiple-
connection capability included with this software release.
Why Multi-Connect?
Multiple connection capability is a very powerful addition to
your TNC 2. It is very useful for traffic net operation, multi-
user bulletin boards, path checking and so forth.
What is Multi-Connect?
Multiple connection operation is not the same as multi-way opera-
tion. With multiple connect, you may establish several point-to-
point "links" with various stations. Multi-way, which is not
available, would enable multiple stations to be simultaneously
interconnected to each other, with each station seeing all data
passed from any station in the group, error free.
Multiple connection operation is another step on the road to
proper networking, and networking should eventually allow mlulti-
way operation.
What Commands Set my TNC 2 to Normal Operation?
Your TNC 2 defaults the multi-connect-related commands to the
following parameters:
This sets up your TNC 2 to act just like a "normal" TNC does that
doesn't support multiple connections. The key to obtaining this
traditional operation is to set USERS 1.
How Do I Invoke Multi-Connect?
If USERS is not 1, you are telling the TNC to allow multiple
connections to your stations from other stations. In addition,
TRANSPARENT mode will operate differently, in that incoming data
will be prefixed with the current STREAMSWitch character and
identifier (such as "|A"). Thus, truly transparent operation is
not possible with this software release supporting multiple
The STREAMSWitch character, defaulted to "|", should be set to a
character you won't normally use. Note that this character may
be set to a hex value between $80 and $FF. This may allow you to
use 8-bit characters (AWLEN 8) if your terminal or computer is
capable of generating such "characters." This could help prevent
confusion in interpreting incoming data from other stations if
they happen to send data that includes your selected STREAMSWitch
Although not foolproof, enabling STREAMDBL may also help in
sorting out STREAMSWitch characters included in the received data
from a valid stream switches generated by your TNC 2.
STREAMCAll should be especially helpful when manually operating a
station in which you allow multiple connections.
When in CONVERSE mode, you may switch streams by entering the
STREAMSWitch character (default "|"), followed by a stream iden-
tifier ("A" through "J"), followed by the data you wish to send
to the station on that stream. See the example in the descrip-
tion of STREAMCAll for an illustration of this.
If all this seems a bit confusing, don't worry, it is! The only
way to really understand multiple connect operationis to try it!
Once you have your TNC 2 assembled, tested and on-the-air, and
have gained confidence in "normal" packet operation, try setting
USERS 2 and get a couple of friends to connect to you. Play with
the commands (you can't hurt the TNC by issuing commands to it!)
and see their effects.
Happy packeting!